S2: Applied Geoanalysis: Advances in analytical methods

Thursday 11th August 2022

S2-1 | 13:50 pm

Everything you wanted to know about iron ore characterization (but were afraid to ask)!

Ramanaidou, E.R.*

S2-2 | 14:20 pm

Study on Hyperspectral Inversion of Rare-Dispersed Element Cadmium Content in Lead-Zinc Ores

Sihan, L 

S2-3 | 14:40 pm

Mineralogical, geochemical, biogeochemical, and Ni isotopic studies of Ni-rich laterites in the Bavanat region, Fars province, Iran 

Rasti, S.*

S2-4 | 15:30 pm

Understanding trace elements in supergene copper mineralisation from the Atacama Desert (Chile): case study of atacamite from a geoarchaeological perspective

Menzies, A.H.

S2-5 | 15:50 pm

Technologically produced carbon and its use in agriculture

Prohaska, T.*

S2-6 | 16:10 pm

Towards Calibration-Invariant Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Rapid Assessment of Trace Heavy Metals in Radiothermic Field Matrices

Angeyo, K. H.*

S2-7 | 16:30 pm

Characterizing building materials along their process chain - from the raw powder to the final product

Fettkenhauer, C.*

S2-8 | 16:50 pm

Comparison of analysis of Ni, V and Zn by pXRF and ICP-MS, in samples from the mineral deposit of Puyango, Ecuador

Manrique, J.L.*